First Contact Physiotherapist




Role Of Service

If you have a musculoskeletal issue, such as a bad back or neck or joint pain, you can see a First Contact Physiotherapist.

The initial telephone consultation will be an in-depth discussion about the injury / condition and a plan will be put in place where possible, which would normally include exercise programming, advice, education where appropriate. The physiotherapist can make ongoing referrals or where the physiotherapist feels necessary, a face-to-face physiotherapy assessment can be made.

How can I make an appointment?

Contact your GP Practice and ask for an appointment with the First Contact Physiotherapist. When you contact your GP Practice, the receptionist will ask you some questions to check that you meet the criteria for the service.

Remember, you do not need to see your GP for this service, you can go straight to the First Contact Physiotherapist.


Team Members

  • Hamish Startin